Found out an astonishing fact from the interview of Mark Zuckerberg (CEO of Meta) by Joe Rogan 3 days ago.
I know I've been banging on about how good Meta ads are for a long time.
But I learnt something I couldn't believe and HAD to share with you...
Now, I don't expect you to go watch the entire 3 hour interview but I what I learnt from 30 seconds of it is shocking.
Mark Zuckerberg told us the number of people that use a Meta service on a regular basis.
Not overall, but on a regular, DAILY basis.
I couldn't believe it....
"3.2 billion people use one of their services ever day." - says Zuckerberg.
Yes, BILLION with a B.
For perspective, the current population of earth is about to hit 8.2 billion.
This means more than 1/3 of the planet are using a Meta service on a regular basis.
And on a monthly basis... he says it's probably close to "HALF" of earth.
Imagine what you could achieve if even 0.01% of those regular users (320,000) knew about about your business and what you do.
Imagine how much money you could make if even 0.1% (320) of the 320,000 people purchased something from you.
Of course, I don't know your average transaction size or the LTV (lifetime value) of a customer in your business.
But, do the math then reply to this email and tell me if adding that number to your businesses revenue would be good or not.
Talk soon,
P.S. Getting results using Meta ads is what we specialise in. If you'd like to know how we could do this for you, just reply to this email and I'll send you some info.
P.P.S. If you've got 2 hours 50 minutes, the whole interview is quite interesting. Can check it out on Spotify or YouTube.