Adir Erulkar
August 11, 2024

How To Get Your Website To Appear On The First Page Of A Google Search

If you're looking to make your website more effective, capture more traffic, and get more clients... This article will show you exactly how to do that.

I vividly remember when I first heard about SEO. It sounded like some mysterious and complicated practice.

You know what the worst part was? When I decided to dive into SEO, I went straight to Google and searched "what is SEO and how to use it on my website?."

Little did I know, the information was overwhelming. It went straight into all this technical stuff...

“Website code, page titles, meta tags, image alt tags, headers, meta descriptions, URL slugs, backlinks, on page, off page”

... and the list went on.

I had no idea what any of it meant or if some was more or less important than another. And even if I understood what I needed to do, could I even get it to work.

Then I thought, why not ask a friend who builds websites for businesses, surely he can tell me what this all means. So I did.

He gave me a crash course on SEO, explained all the terms and told me a little bit about how to do it. By the end of that conversation, I felt even more like a fish out of water than I did in the beginning.

The Secret Reason Why Most Websites Don't Rank

So, I jumped on YouTube to do some research, maybe someone there can explain it in terms I’ll understand and give me a formula on where to start.

Some people told me to stuff my content with keywords. Others said that wasn't effective anymore.

Some people told me to get as many backlinks as possible. Others warned that low-quality links could hurt my rankings.

And not forgetting, I had to identify what keywords and phrases I wanted each page to rank for. I had no clue how to figure this out.

I felt overwhelmed with all the technical jargon: website code, meta tags, alt tags, H1, H2, H3 headers, meta descriptions, URL slugs. I had no idea where to start or how to increase my page ranking.

I then thought back to my chat with my website builder friend and remembered a piece of advice he gave me:

“Focus on making your website user-friendly and informative, and the SEO will follow.”

Fixing Your Website Optimisation

When we spend time or money on something, we measure the result.

Doesn't matter if we're investing in equipment, lunch, or vendors - we make sure that we get what we pay for, right?

Here’s the ugly truth:

“Most businesses waste a significant portion of their SEO efforts.” 

And that just didn’t sit right with me.

I needed to know if I spent time doing something, that it paid off in the long run.

How I Didn’t Waste My Time And Effort...
...And How You Can Do The Same

I decided to get to the bottom of this and figure out the formula for effective SEO.

The good news? There was a formula, and I figured it out.

The bad news? It took a lot of study, puzzling pieces together, testing it, and using trial and error to figure out what actually worked.

If I had to write out all the elements of the formula, we would be sitting here for weeks, so let me give you the crux of it.

Some might recognise it as ‘Pearson’s Law’.

“What is measured, improves.”

If you want to increase your website’s performance, ranking and drive more organic traffic?

Make it measurable by adding SEO metrics. Define your keywords/search terms, track your rankings, monitor your traffic, and analyse your conversions.

And then you monitor these metrics like a hawk.

Now that you are measuring. Test. Figure out what works and what doesn’t.

One of the first things I do when I start working with a client is implement this simple rule:

“Every change needs to be measurable, no exceptions.” Measurable, tangible, solid results.

There are plenty of ways to do this, and it’s doable for every single website, yours included.

If you want to know how we would do this for your website, get in touch with us today for a free marketing analysis.

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