Adir Erulkar
August 19, 2024

Achieving Top Of Mind Awareness In Your Market

Learn how to make your brand the first one that comes to mind when customers need your product or service. Explore a simple yet effective strategy that can enhance your marketing efforts.
Adir Erulkar
August 15, 2024

How To Write Ads, Reports, Blog Posts and Scripts That SELL

This blog post challenges a common belief about online content and reveals why most content fails to engage audiences. It offers actionable tips to create captivating content that stands out and keeps readers hooked from start to finish.
Adir Erulkar
August 13, 2024

Three Letters That Will Magically Get You More Clients

Unlock the key to making your business irresistible to clients by crafting a Rock Solid Offer (RSO). Discover why generic offers fail and how a simple shift in perspective can transform your marketing—without resorting to flashy gimmicks.
Adir Erulkar
August 12, 2024

Why 'Spray And Pray' Marketing Is A Guaranteed Way To Waste Your Ad Budget

Learn why your ad budget might be slipping away and how to fix it. Discover the key to turning even the most boring products into must-haves by targeting the right audience - without wasting money on the wrong crowd.
Adir Erulkar
August 8, 2024

How To Write An Ad That Gets You New Clients (Part 1)

Discover the first key elements that make an ad successful and learn common pitfalls to avoid when creating your next marketing campaign. This article provides you 1 thing you can do to write ads that effectively attract clients, generate leads, and increase sales.